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Code of Ethics

Every Board Member is expected to adhere to the following Code of Ethics for as long as they serve on the KWPOA Board:




As board members, we need to be aware that more is expected of those in leadership roles.  By reviewing and signing this Code of Ethics, we acknowledge our commitment to serve KWPOA with the integrity and diligence that our community deserves.


As a member of this Board, I will:


  • Be committed to fulfilling the mission and vision of KWPOA.

  • Keep all confidential Board information, confidential.

  • Serve on committees and seek other leadership positions.

  • Refrain from using service on the Board for personal advantage or for the advantage of my friends or associates.

  • Respect my fellow directors.

  • Communicate in a cordial and civil manner at all times.

  • Respect and support the majority decisions of the Board.

  • Remain mindful of actual and perceived conflicts of interest, and disclose and discuss with my fellow Directors any actual or potential personal interest in the outcome of any matter before the Board.

  • Approach all Board issues with an open mind, with a focus on the long term interests of the KWPOA community.

  • Never exercise authority as a Board member except when acting in a Board meeting or as the Board or its President delegates me.

  • Continue to maintain the KWPOA Board member candidate qualifications.


Adopted by the KWPOA Board of Directors  09/22/11.

Contact us:


Office Location: 

1010 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. #200

Kentfield, CA 94904

Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 404

Kentfield, CA 94914

© 2024

Kent Woodlands Property

Owners Association

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