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Kent Woodlands consists of 21 Subdivisions with a total of approximately 570 parcels. Of those, 481 are KWPOA members who benefit from the protection of our CC&Rs.



  • KWPOA works on behalf of every member to preserve the character of our community and protect property values by maintaining community standards through our CC&Rs and Architectural Rules. 

  • The association represents members’ interests in land development, general safety, and fire preparedness by partnering with the Board of Supervisors, the Community Development Agency, the Sheriff, the Fire District and other key agencies.

  • KWPOA parking permits offer members the exclusive right to park in the lot at the entrance of Woodland Road. Many members use this lot for commuting, carpooling, or picking up children from school.

  • Each member receives a monthly neighborhood newsletter and regular communications from KWPOA. These include notices from the Architectural Committee, urgent alerts, reports from our Sheriff’s Deputy, notification of neighborhood social events, local news of interest, and more.

  • Members are eligible (and encouraged!) to join committees that are run by the KWPOA including our Architectural, Social, and Fire Safety Committees. Members in good standing are also eligible to run for the KWPOA Board of Directors.

  • Members are invited to attend several KWPOA-sponsored social events throughout the year.

  • Every member household has voting rights for association elections.



We are often asked why some properties in Kent Woodlands are not required to be members. Here is the history as it pertains to membership:


Prior to 1995, each subdivision had its own set of CC&Rs, many of which were set to expire. In 1995, 14 of the 21 subdivisions each voted by majority to adopt a newly consolidated set of Kent Woodlands CC&Rs. The remaining 7 subdivisions either had already expired or opposed the adoption of the CC&Rs. However, property owners within those 7 subdivisions could individually choose to adopt the new CC&Rs by signing a “Consent to Adopt” and having that document recorded with the county.


There is no “opting out” of being a member. If your property is in one of the subdivisions that voted to adopt the 1995 CC&Rs, or if any previous owner of your property signed a Consent to Adopt, your property remains encumbered by the CC&Rs until they expire. Note that membership does not follow individual people, but rather follows the title of the property itself. Therefore, when a member sells or otherwise transfers his or her property, the new owner of record is a member by default.


Property owners who are not currently members of KWPOA are welcome to join the association by agreeing to attach our CC&Rs to their title by signing a “Consent to Adopt” and recording it with the county. If you would like more information on this process, please contact the office at 415-721-7429.


Please note that KWPOA cannot give legal determinations of membership. Should you wish to confirm whether or not your property is legally a member of KWPOA, please contact the Marin County Recorder.



Contact us:


Office Location: 

1010 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. #200

Kentfield, CA 94904

Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 404

Kentfield, CA 94914

© 2024

Kent Woodlands Property

Owners Association

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